Alexander Sommer

Alexander Sommer

Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 7 (Computer Networks and Communication Systems)

Room: Room 06.125
Martensstr. 3
91058 Erlangen

Short Biography

Alexander Sommer works as a research associate in the “Smart Energy” group at the Chair of Computer Networks and Communication Systems.
After completing his Abitur in 2014, he began a dual study program in mechanical engineering and in parallel completed a vocational program as an industrial mechanic at “WILO SE”. His focus was on computational fluid dynamics, the structural design of turbomachinery and the development of innovative manufacturing technologies. In 2019, this was followed by a consecutive master’s degree at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In parallel, he worked as a working student at the company “BUILD.ING Consultants + Innovators GmbH”. Most recently, he was involved in the spin-off of the subsidiary “BUILD.ING Intelligence GmbH” as well as in the founding of his own spin-off.
Since February 2023, Alexander Sommer has started his PhD research with a focus on analysis and modeling of complex energy systems.

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