Make Yourself Seen – Visibility for Women in STEM

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On Thursday, October 24th, our former research assistent Lisa Maile was invited to participate in the panel discussion “Make Yourself Seen – Visibility for Women in STEM”. Together with Prof. Dr. Ing. habil Philipp Beckerle, Annika Briegleb, Prof. Dr. Friedlinde Götz-Neunhoeffer, and Prof. Dr. Manami Sasaki, we discussed ways to gain visibility in academia.

She tried to summarize it very shortly:

    Seize opportunities as they arise—and don’t be afraid, as the experience is often very positive!

And her personal tip:

    Try to have fun with what you’re doing .

This was her final event as an ARIADNE mentee for 2023/24, and taking part in this career mentoring program has been a wonderful experience.

    I wholeheartedly recommend this program to female students and early-career researchers at FAU!
    Thank you to everyone who makes this program possible!