Corinna Seiwerth

Corinna Seiwerth, M. Sc.

Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 7 (Computer Networks and Communication Systems)

Room: Room 06.125
Martensstraße 3
91058 Erlangen

Short Biography

After completing her high school diploma, Corinna Seiwerth began studying Information Science at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), where she later obtained a master’s degree in Computer Science. During her studies, she gained practical experience as a working student at Siemens Mobility. Since June 1, 2023, she has been working at the Chair of Computer Networks and Communication Systems at FAU. In this role, she is involved in the NFDI4Energy project, focusing particularly on the distributed simulation of energy systems.

More Information



  • National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research

    (Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)

    Term: 2023-03-01 - 2028-02-28
    Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

    The necessary transformation of energy systems towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions provides a plethora of new research challenges. New interconnections between different energy sectors, such as power, heat and mobility, increase the system's complexity. In this context, the digitalisation towards cyber-physical energy systems (CPES) alleviates change, and equally affects technical, social, and societal topics, as well as the mode of research in the CPES research community. Research efforts towards CPES heavily rely on modelling and (co-)simulation-based approaches. Tracking of models together with all data creates a complex software and data management challenge, which needs to be addressed in each research project. To this end, nfdi4energy covers the whole research and transfer cycle of projects in energy system research ranging from (1) identifying relevant competences for a project; (2) defining relevant scenarios and experimental setup; (3) integrating models and data; coupling tools and laboratories; (4) extracting results, facilitating public consultation; to (5) identifying research challenges for follow-up activities.