Michael Niebisch

Michael Niebisch, M. Sc.

Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 7 (Computer Networks and Communication Systems)

Room: Room 06.150
Martensstr. 3
91058 Erlangen

Short Biography

Michael Niebisch is a research associate and part of the ‘Connected Mobility’ group at the chair of Computer Networks and Communication Systems at the FAU in Erlangen. In May 2017 he completed his Bachelor studies in Information and Communication Technology at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He specialized in ‘Networks and Digital Communication’ during his consecutive Master studies. After an internship in the research and development department ‘Smart Mobility’ at Audi AG he decided to write his master thesis in cooperation with Audi AG and investigated the use of heterogeneous networks in an automotive context. During his studies he worked several years as a tutor at various departments of the FAU. Additionally he was involved in the non-profit association ‘Robotics Erlangen e.V.’, which he led as chairman for two years.

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  • National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research

    (Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)

    Term: 2023-03-01 - 2028-02-28
    Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

    The necessary transformation of energy systems towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions provides a plethora of new research challenges. New interconnections between different energy sectors, such as power, heat and mobility, increase the system's complexity. In this context, the digitalisation towards cyber-physical energy systems (CPES) alleviates change, and equally affects technical, social, and societal topics, as well as the mode of research in the CPES research community. Research efforts towards CPES heavily rely on modelling and (co-)simulation-based approaches. Tracking of models together with all data creates a complex software and data management challenge, which needs to be addressed in each research project. To this end, nfdi4energy covers the whole research and transfer cycle of projects in energy system research ranging from (1) identifying relevant competences for a project; (2) defining relevant scenarios and experimental setup; (3) integrating models and data; coupling tools and laboratories; (4) extracting results, facilitating public consultation; to (5) identifying research challenges for follow-up activities.

  • Heterogeneous vehicle networks for data transmission in the field

    (Third Party Funds Single)

    Term: 2020-04-01 - 2023-09-30
    Funding source: andere Förderorganisation
    Vehicles are evolving to a mobile data platform. Besides mobility as their main purpose, the demand for entertainment, connectivity and current software is increasing. Besides installing updates in the workshop there is already today a mobile communication module built into the car, by which map updates, traffic information and entertainment applications are run. Mobile communication however depends on existing network coverage and can be limited in certain areas. Additionally a fee has to be paid to the mobile network provider, which is usually dependent on the amount of used data traffic. In this project additional technologies are to be evaluated, that may enable effective communication in the future. Publicly available WLAN hotspots have a potential as they are often available in the road area and can mostly be used cost-effective. Additionally vehicles need similar information, for instance a map update, that has to be delivered to multiple cars in the field. Therefor direct communication between vehicles as in 5G offers the possibility to exchange information in the field and reduce the usage of mobile communication. The goal is to test the combination of different technologies to a complex, heterogeneous vehicle network and evaluate the applicability of opportunistic networks. At the same time, proposals for future standardization are to be developed. From a scientific point of view suitable coordination and routing mechanisms are vital as connection times are short, vehicles serve as temporary storage and source of information and effective usage of transmission paths is relevant.


Winter Term 2021/22